Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Remedial Physics

Remedial Physics 1

I was really proud of myself for doing this today. I saw a good photo opportunity at school, what with framing and color contrast and all that. The hitch? It involved a person.*

A girl.

A cute girl.

But I managed to go up and ask her if I could take it, and she obliged. After snapping a couple I asked if I could post the result on Flickr and handed her one of my nifty little contact cards from MOO. Then we had a quick little chat about our majors and I was on my way. Unprecedented socialization!

The one bad part about the experience was that I squandered said opportunity by not properly framing or exposing the shot (learning to use the Force, aka manual mode). It didn't turn out anything like I had envisioned it. But I guess that's what practice is for... It sucks, though, because she'll probably stop by and witness the crappy-ness. Although hopefully she'll also browse and see the good work that I do.

*A small bit of background for any readers (are there even any readers?) who don't know me. I have pretty bad social anxiety, which prevents me from making much, if any, conversation with people. It's especially bad when dealing with women. I've been hard at work pushing my boundaries, though. Looks like it's starting to pay off. :)

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